Watch The Last of the Knucklemen online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch The Last of the Knucklemen movie online for free. The movie The Last of the Knucklemen has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the web. In the tradition of Sunday Too Far Away, this independent film is based on the classic Australian play by John Power. Pic tells the story of a group of miners living in a camp in outback Australia. They swear, brawl, gamble, and drink heavily. Central to the story is the conflict between Tarzan, the authoritarian group leader and cocky loud-mouth wisecracking Pansy. This results in a bare-knuckle punch-up for the movie's denouement.

Year: 1979
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 93 minutes
Release Date: 1979-07-01
Actors : Gerard Kennedy, Michael Preston, Peter Hehir, Dennis Miller, Michael Caton